In einem Solidaritätsschreiben wendet sich die VdO an alle Kulturschaffenden und Kulturarbeitenden in der Ukraine:
Dear colleagues and friends,
on behalf of the Vereinigung deutscher Opern- und Tanzensembles (VdO), the union of artists in music and dance theatre in Germany, we want to express our solidarity and heartfelt sympathy with all colleagues of the Cultural Workers Union of Ukraine in the moment of such a horrible development in your country.
As members and representatives of the artist union VdO and as human beings we are deeply concerned about the dramatic developments of the last few days and the military escalation that has led to war and aggression against your country and against the Ukrainian people. We are shocked by the events and the military actions that are affecting so many. We are shocked by the events that deplore innocent lives. We are shocked about such a martial act that is unparalleled on the Europan continent since World War II. We are shocked and saddened by the number of people that have already been killed.
We are condemning this act of war on a sovereign European country and the murderous madness that comes with it.
Our heart goes out to all the colleagues, all the families and friends in Ukraine, who suddenly find themselves surrounded by violence and death. We hope that your members and all Ukrainian people may stay safe - even though we know that many are taking action to defend their country.
Many people, many artists, many cultural institutions and organizations in Germany are taking part in demonstrations and showing their support for Ukraine in various forms. If there is anything within our powers that we are able to do to support you with don´t hesitate to ask us.
In solidarity,
Stefan Moser
Tobias Koenemann
Managing Director
Vereinigung deutscher Opern- und Tanzensembles e. V. (VdO)